Lutheran Resources
A curated collection of Lutheran resources including podcasts, videos, books, and websites.
Lutheran Resources
- LCMS - The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)
- LCMS Kansas - LCMS Kansas District
- CPH - Concordia Publishing House
- Bible (ESV) - Holy Bible (English Standard Version) online
- Book of Concord - The Lutheran Confessions online
- Evangelical-Lutheran Liturgical Congregations - Find other confessional, liturgical Lutheran congregations to attend when traveling
- Issues, Etc. - Syndicated Lutheran radio talk show and podcast featuring expert guests in theology, Biblical interpretation, apologetics, ethics, philosophy, law and culture
- The Word of the Lord Endures Forever - Study the Bible with the Church, Past and Present with Pr. William Weedon
Worship & Music
- Lutheran Public Radio - Lutheran Public Radio streams Sacred Music for the World, 24/7, following the course of the Church Year
- Lutheran Public Radio Choir Recordings - Lutheran Public Radio Choir Recordings of hymns in the Lutheran Service Book
- Pastor Woelmer's Channel - Pastor Woelmer's Instructional Videos
Essential Lutheran Books
- The Lutheran Study Bible - ESV with Lutheran commentary (also available as a mobile app)
- Lutheran Service Book - LCMS hymnal used during our services
- Concordia - The Lutheran Confessions - A Reader's Edition of the Book of Concord
Recommended Books
- Treasury of Daily Prayer - Organized around the Christian Church Year, Treasury of Daily Prayer is an all-in-one resource for daily devotions for individuals, families, and small groups